Instructions / Circulars / Orders

  • Division:
  • Office:
  • From:
  • To:
  • Console:
  • Subject:
S.No. Branch Circular / Instn. / O.O. No.
Subject Publish Date Console Sl. No.
1 E.VI 08-10-2024 Preparation of Revised Budget Estimated 2024-25 and Budget Estimates 2025-26-reg. size:(295.53 KB) .
Annexure A size:(211.95 KB) .
Annexure B size:(186.20 KB) .
2024-10-08 18428/2024
2 E.I 07-10-2024 Office Order No. 155 Of 2024 size:(88.77 KB) .
2024-10-07 18415/2024
3 E.IV 07-10-2024 Amendments in ESI Corporation- Notification of the Ministry of Labour Employment, Govt. of India, New Delhi- reg. size:(218.68 KB) .
Gazette size:(1.69 MB) .
2024-10-07 18414/2024
4 RC Cell 07-10-2024 Status of Payments Released on monthly basis in ro DG ESIC RC Holders-reg. size:(504.94 KB) .
2024-10-07 18410/2024
5 General 03-10-2024 Re-opening of Holiday Home situated under SRO, Mysuru jurisdiction - reg. size:(145.41 KB) .
2024-10-03 18396/2024
6 Med.VI 03-10-2024 Office Order No. 100 of 2024 size:(135.94 KB) .
2024-10-03 18394/2024
7 PC Cell 01-10-2024 Standard specifications of equipment ‘Ultrasound Machine with Color Doppler’ for utilization by User units ESIC Institutions - reg size:(75.14 KB) .
Enclosure size:(858.08 KB) .
2024-10-01 18372/2024
8 Legal 01-10-2024 Guidelines regarding the certified copy of judgement to file any appeal in the Supreme Court. size:(88.67 KB) .
2024-10-01 18370/2024
9 Finance and Account-7 30-09-2024 वित्तीय प्राक्कलन एवं निष्पादन बजट 2024-25 के संदर्भ में। size:(24.99 KB) .
Revised estimates for the year 2023'24 & Budget Estimates for the year 2024-25 of the Employees' State lnsurance Corporation - reg' size:(24.99 KB) .
Financial Estimate and Performace Budget size:(24.99 KB) .
2024-09-30 18368/2024
10 Med.VI 30-09-2024 Revision of Manpower of ESICH MC Faridabad as per New Manpower Norms and NMC requirements. size:(846.23 KB) .
2024-09-30 18363/2024

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-10-08



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