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Member of Regional Board

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S.No. Region Subject
1 Andhra Pradesh The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-19.08.2017 size:(1.40 MB) .
2 Assam (North East) The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-20.04.2022 size:(1.71 MB) .
3 Bihar The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-25.07.2018 size:(515.81 KB) .
4 Delhi The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-30.07.2018 size:(708.30 KB) .
5 Goa The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-25.07.2018 size:(511.17 KB) .
6 Gujarat The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-10.11.2012 size:(1.58 MB) .
7 Haryana The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-25.07.2018 size:(500.74 KB) .
8 Himachal Pradesh The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-03.09.2019 size:(322.51 KB) .
9 Jammu and Kashmir The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-25.07.2018 size:(458.64 KB) .
10 Jharkhand The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-12.12.2022 size:(616.76 KB) .
11 Karnataka The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-26.07.2018 size:(550.07 KB) .
12 Kerala The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-10.08.2018 size:(224.54 KB) .
13 Madhya Pradesh The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-14.05.2020 size:(1.50 MB) .
14 Maharashtra The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-14.09.2020 size:(1.36 MB) .
15 Odisha The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-26.07.2018 size:(496.31 KB) .
16 Puducherry The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-26.07.2018 size:(499.65 KB) .
17 Punjab The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-29.07.2006 size:(986.94 KB) .
18 Rajasthan The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-29.09.2012 size:(1.19 MB) .
19 Tamil Nadu The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-01.03.2008 size:(1.05 MB) .
20 Telangana The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-15.07.2020 size:(1.37 MB) .
21 Tripura The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-16.03.2020 size:(1.49 MB) .
22 Uttar Pradesh The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-13.05.2017 size:(751.05 KB) .
23 Uttarakhand The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-02.09.2017 size:(1.48 MB) .
24 West Bengal The Gazette of India, Notification, dated-26.07.2018 size:(761.71 KB) .


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